Locavore, Carnivore, Vegetarian or Vegan?
Recently I met a few people with whom I'd attended secondary school. 40 years on and we had all travelled different paths & had a great time comparing notes. One of the things that I have been reflecting has been the different attitudes to food which were expressed that afternoon. The group included myself - a meat producer & carnivore although vegetables, fruit etc constitute a large part of my diet; a coeliac ; and a vegan but the person with whom I'm actually identifying is a 'locavore'. Our health, food experience and adventures, animal welfare knowledge & assumptions are among the contributory factors to our food choices these days. Gone are the days for many when there was no choice but to eat in season and whatever was affordable - with sweets & cordial as treats. I've said it before that my childhood was extremely rich and we neither realised nor appreciated it. Our farm was pretty well self-sufficient as was normal in those days. Our gran...