Lock down, open up; lock down, open up....

Lock down, open up; lock down, open up; lock down, open up. That’s been the pattern here in Ireland since March 2020 & we've all heard, especially via media channels, how hard it’s been for older people; students confined to study at home; families with young children. It’s been hard for all those working in our health system & much air play has been given to describing the routines nurses, carers etc followed as they went to & from work trying to keep themselves, their families & their patients as safe as possible. People working in supermarkets & others in various essential services received a little attention. That concern disappeared rapidly as the focus moved to a 'return to normal'! Are we complacent - probably. As the numbers of infections wax & wane, the general population becomes more concerned with shopping, activities & holidays & not necessarily in that order. How soon will we forget that quality time we spent with ou...