Friends, Relations and Staying in Touch...
Hi, Every so often, I get a niggle of discomfort or even a few and I wonder if anyone else has the same problem: I'm finding it harder and harder to have a chat with family and friends on the telephone. I want to see faces and expressions; to watch the body language; to hear the inflection and emphasis. In other words, I want to know that as we talk, we're focused on each other's conversation and not distracted by anything including the computer. I'm using the phone for the business conversation; the impersonal chat; the connection with family members that doesn't last more than two minutes, but anything personal & I steer clear. It's as easy to have the spoken word interpreted incorrectly as the written especially in social media. Now I know that there's another computer programme I need to work on: Skype or something similar, but I need time. Time to sit down and learn a lot more about it and in peace and quiet. This morning, I had my plans made: t...