
Showing posts from September, 2018

When is a Coffee House not a Coffee House

Hi, No photos this time because I'm on a bit of a rant: Hubby & I like our coffee. He's all Americano & I like Cappuccino. We like full-bodied strong but not bitter coffee. I make a pot of filtered coffee most mornings when I'm at home and just have it with a drop of milk. I've tried black, but it just doesn't work for me. Always on the lookout for places that serve good coffee, we were on our way home from Kerry recently. We stopped at one hotel, where the receptionist didn't even look up from her computer screen and the bar was closed. I suggested we could get a cup and sit to read the paper in the foyer where the furniture looked really comfy, but Hubby was having none of it. He had previous experience of being served the coffee from a coffee jug and it was super weak in his opinion. Retreating to our vehicle, we continued on our merry, or not so merry, way. Before long, I spied a simple sign, 'Coffee House'. That was all the encouragement...

Habits, good and bad

Habits are funny old things. We talk of the ' habits of a lifetime' or 'breaking the habit '. Habits are part of a routine be they good or bad. We also talk of 'addictive habits ' - a work colleague took me to one side, when I was in my 20's, and explained how easy it is to fall into the habit of drinking too much alcohol. Easy to get the habit and can be brutally difficult to lose it! He was, and still is, a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. I often think of him and the influence he had on me for long-term good. September and January herald new resolutions:- increasing fitness; losing the holiday kilo/pounds; healthier lifestyle. The problem is that after the first few weeks, so many of us slide right back into same old, same old. We don't tend to appreciate our environment half enough because it's like a habit - always there and we are unaware of the small imperceptible changes that happen daily unless of course there is a catastrophe. Autumn Co...