West Cork is rich

If you're wondering what on earth has happened to me, when so many in West Cork are anything but rich, allow me to explain. We have some of the most talented people on earth living in West Cork, some come for a holiday or to rejuvenate their muse, but so many live here and find inspiration in the place and people. West Cork people, and I include me in this, often don't take the time to sit and just count our blessings and we truly have many - good food and isn't it wonderful to see Frank Krawczyk, acclaimed food producer, spearheading the West Cork Slow Food revival; then it's on to all the festivals that happen in West Cork from food to walking to music to sport and art in all their forms.
I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to attend the Clonakilty Games Festival last weekend but was away in Dublin doing tastings in Avoca Rathcoole, The Country Market, Howth & Thyme Out, Dalkey. I had a wonderful time and thanks to everyone including my aunt and first cousin for looking after me.
So what's finding its way into my diary, well what about a Food & Wine Evening with the West Cork Wine Society in the Celtic Ross Hotel on Thursday, 5th March. Limited tickets so you have been warned!
Again here in Rosscarbery, I'm really looking forward to the concert in St. Fachtna's Catherdal on 21st March. Mícheál O'Súilleabbháin is an amazing Man of Music & I've only ever seen him on television or listened to him on radio, when he's absolutely entranced me. Now I'll actually see him and the bonus of the Carolan Quartet. I'm not gushing, I'm truly excited!
Meanwhile there's a few days of work to be done and this Saturday, I'll be in S.V. Bandon during the morning.
Of course , tomorrow evening, I'll be found in Ballydehob Community Hall where I look forward to learning from The Culchie & The Kiwi, Alan Shannon & Matthew Brownie, at 7pm. Tickets for this event are only €10. I know that at least half a dozen local producers will be there too so a good night is assured.
Until next time


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