Knocked out.....

Post Christmas exhaustion left me open to infection not the blues.


One of the problems being busy is that if you have a chance to stop, the body goes into downtime and lets you know in no uncertain terms that there's a time when rest & relaxation is mandatory not optional.
Image result for exhaustion emoji
Exhaustion Emoji
Last weekend, I wasn't feeling too good, but put it down to general tiredness. During the week, I had what I thought were a recurrence of  'hot flushes' which I hadn't suffered for a few months. Finally on Tuesday, I realised as I drove towards home, that things weren't adding up. Made an appointment and visited my G.P. Explained my symptoms and one of her first questions was to ask if I had taken my temperature! I think she held back on the laughter by great self-discipline when I explained why not.
Anyway, I threw in a sore, hot ear & the verdict was an ear infection and flu. No, not a heavy cold, but flu. There is a great & glorious difference. For the ear infection, an antibiotic was required and we then realised that the last time I'd needed medication was last January!
I know I'm going to have to do something about this in 2017. Truth is I'm getting older and even though I'm fitter now than at any other time of my life (honestly), I will have to plan to reduce the stresses in our business as they affect me.
Long hours and mental stress are not good friends in anybody.
Now that's the 'lecture to self' over as I face into a busy week, but a planned busy week.
There's a world of difference.
I think this quote sums up where I should be at this year.
Until next time


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