Cold and Damp

It may be a Bank Holiday in Ireland, but we haven't taken any notice of that for years. Just like many a farmer, small producer or retailer, the work is there to be done so that's what we do. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling the best last night & headed for bed early. One of our machines has to be switched on the night before we use it and usually that's my job; as I wasn't available, I assumed one of my menfolk would have remembered! So having begun work at 7am, I'm still in the unit at 7.30pm. Tomorrow is my main delivery day, so it's an early start again. No doubt the roads will be pretty quiet especially as primary & secondary schools are closed for half-term.
I'd love to have been able to go to some of the Cork Jazz Festival & I'm very jealous of Evin O'Keeffe having read her report on the Civic Harvest & Jazz Eucharist from the iconic St. Ann's Shandon yesterday. A ticket only affair, & I'm sure after this, there'll be many who try and book tickets straightaway. Maybe I'll be able to go in 2015.


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