Ireland has it all, at least in Weather

Yesterday, it was thunder, lightning & torrential rain. Today, it's clear blue skies & cool. We really do enjoy all sorts of weather in Ireland but generally none of the extremes endured elsewhere.
So all my shorts & 3-quarter length trousers (I never have the right term for them) are packed away for another year & it's a case of seeing what fits from the winter wardrobe. Last January I invested in a pair of fur-lined boots from Timberland in Cork. So far, so good, they're enduring really well and don't look too bad under a dress either. I have a few winter coats depending on the weather & I managed to get them all dry cleaned earlier in the year. This is an expensive chore, but I've found it pays in the long run & I literally did one per month. This is also a good time to do a bit of a springclean & get rid of all those clothes I'll never again wear even though I'm a bit sentimental about some of them.
Until tomorrow as the office beckons.....again!


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