Chocolate, chocolate and more.....

Was speaking with a friend of mine recently about food and nutrition. He was telling me that sugar has a huge effect on his mental well being and it's all negative! Into my mind popped the very old phrase, 'You are what you eat' or don't.
I've never pretended to have anything other than an ongoing love affair with chocolate. When I worked in Cork City and back in the day when chocolatiers were a rare sight, I remember the first Leonidas shop opening. Friday evening, I would almost always make a detour so that I could buy £1 worth of individual chocolates! These were savoured. Nowadays there are many producing chocolate and the quality varies or perhaps it's my taste that has changed. I'm not too sure if I'm at all unhappy that our bars are downsizing, but even acknowledging the fact tempts me to buy 2 when I really shouldn't.
There are a few favourite brands and they're all relatively local: Milseán bars are enjoyed when I need a little more energy as I do my deliveries - invariably a long day needing an early afternoon boost; Cocomo Chocolate covered marshmallows are for when you're on your own and definitely not sharing a single speck; and Clonakilty Chocolate especially the one made with Goat's milk!
In another life, I would definitely love to have trained as a chocolatier, but I'll just continue to indulge when I can, and I still love the Leonidas too.
Another friend called this afternoon and we reminisced for a few minutes. I remember going to the mart in my turn with Dad where the treat was to get a bottle of fizzy orange and the choice of a small bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk or a bag of Tayto Crisps. These were treats never found at home. We were also very lucky as our aunt in Dublin used to send us a cardboard pentagon shaped clock annually and each number was replaced by a hollow chocolate egg.
If we cooked with chocolate, it was the cake cover variety. In fact, I was married before I discovered couverture chocolate. How deprived was I! I have a favourite recipe which I lost for a number of years for a Orange Chocolate Mud Cake. I'm sorry but I'm not sharing this recipe for the moment as the last time I made it was for a family friend confirmation about 10 years ago, so I need to check it still works. The original recipe said that 10-12 servings were in each cake, but my version was so rich, 20 were served at ease & no one objected to a sliver. Now anyone need a celebration dessert cake???
Writing about chocolate hasn't settled my craving so I'm away to finish the very last crumbs of a Butlers Chocolate Rabbit which arrived unexpectedly and thank you, Noel & Ingrid.
Until next time...


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