Planning & executing a Wedding with Panache
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Wedding - 31.03.17 |
Niecy Nash is an American comedian but this quote nails the Wedding Day prep. On our part, it was immediate family only at 8am and all over following breakfast (same day). Willie & I were on the road at 10.30 am to begin 'wedded bliss' and honeymoon at Caherbeg, Rosscarbery, but that's history....
I hadn't been to a wedding in years, but 4 months ago, a long time, very good friend rang out of the blue. She asked us to ensure 31st March 2017 would have no other commitment than attending her wedding.
I looked forward to the day so much and from the moment I walked through the church door at 12:50 (50 minutes early in case of delays on the road), I knew I would have a good time. 39 guests plus the bride & groom is not a big wedding, but for that reason little things can mar the day and are more noticeable.
My friend thought of everything - the church flowers were simplicity itself & were all the more stunning for that reason; plenty of time for chat with friends and family, some of whom are more advanced in years than yours truly, and that was before the ceremony; a photographer who epitomised discretion but above all the bridal couple were enjoying themselves from the moment the bride arrived, which meant that everyone else just had to keep up.
No one was in any rush to leave the church, which I thought rather interesting (unlike many a Sunday morning) but a few of us eventually toddled over to a local pub, The Huntsman, where I enjoyed a really lovely cup of coffee. The accompanying mini-pack of biscuits hit the spot too to take the edge off any hunger pangs.
We were asked to be at Fleming's Restaurant at 4:30pm for the meal. The most delectable and delicate canapés accompanied the drink of choice before we moved into the restaurant. I remember being in Fleming's when I was a member of Cork Junior Chamber of Commerce - ahem! years ago. I do have a regret - I didn't put a copy of the wedding menu in my bag but I have asked for a copy and will post it. From starters to soup or sorbet to a choice of beef, pork, fish and vegetarian, this couple had considered every one of their guests. I loved the little touches in Fleming's- red wine in a beautiful glass filled to about ¼ full and frequently topped thereafter. The waiter serving the wine has an accurate eye and just by looking he knew mine didn't need a top up (the joys of modern day driving and traffic). As cups & saucers were put on the table, we were asked if we preferred tea or coffee. An unusual question at that juncture but then I spotted - all cups were the same but for tea drinkers there was a teaspoon and for the coffee - a coffee spoon so the appropriate beverage would be poured without interrupting round table conversation. Rather than the best man trying to gain everyone's attention in order to call on various people to say a few words, a waiter had a little bell which he rang. Much more civilised than tapping the glasses.
We finished with cakes baked by a friend, who happened to be sitting beside me. Having tasted one of the cakes, we started talking baking and there was agreement that we'd have a 'cake off' in the near future. Those of us who don't bake will provide the liquid refreshment and judge. Anyway, I tasted the gorgeous mocha combination which had me licking my fingers even though five minutes earlier, I protested I couldn't eat another bite!
A small crowd, so you might think that the party would have been over relatively early, but not so, even though the groom was on a 12 hour shift at work the following day (8am-8pm). I arrived home at 3am! A wonderful memorable day and night.
The Gospel reading for the wedding ceremony was the well-known story of the Wedding at Cana when Jesus is reputed to have performed his first miracle. The priest noted in his discussion of this reading that the bridal couple isn't named; in this blog, I merely continue in that vein.
When my parents married, it was family and relations to the church and reception, but on the night the couple returned home from their brief honeymoon, there was a 'hauling home' when all the neighbours arrived and enjoyed a great night to welcome my Dad to the community. If my friends decide to organise such an event after their honeymoon in a few months time, I'll be there to help any way I can.
Long life and happiness to you both, V & C.
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