Adapting a memory of ham, cheese and banana

More years ago than I care to remember, I was a Girl Guide in Bandon, where I rose to the lofty heights of attaining my Gold Cords. I still have them, but they are just a tangible sign along with the host of badges I collected of the fun and the learning. Always having an interest in cooking, I managed to collect the Irish Cook, Cook and Outdoor Cook badges, but it's the recipes that I used that continue to draw me back.
One such was this odd favourite of mine: Get a banana, wrap a slice of ham around it. Place in a lightly buttered dish and top with grated cheese. Bake for about 6-8 minutes at 180°C. Enjoy as a light nutritious meal. I wasn't prepared to switch on the oven tonight so my take on it was to chop 2 Caherbeg Free Range Dry Cure Streaky Rashers and cook them in an ungreased pan. Add in sliced banana. Toss for a few seconds to heat. Add two lightly beaten eggs. As the eggs begin to set, sprinkle with a little black pepper and some grated cheese. Remove from the heat and place under the grill to melt the cheese. Verdict: it was gorgeous and probably better for me than a bar of chocolate!
By the way, if you'd like to see these badges and others, check out:
Tomorrow, there won't be any diary entry as I'm on the road to Cork rather early and will be finishing my day at the Christmas Fair in Centra Tower. If you're around, give me a shout.


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