Reviewing my week and preparing for what's to come

I usually try to write my blog: Rosscarbery Recipes at least every two to three weeks and with one of my current recipes. At this time of year, all those good intentions go out the window as I have to focus on the physical work around our business, you know what I mean office work, production, deliveries and of course tastings. In respect of these, I know I'm going to be 'wired' because I always find that when I'm meeting interesting people, I learn so much it takes me a while to 'come down'. NO alcohol or other stimulants involved except perhaps for the coffee although I find that I restrict even that so that I get some rest. Waking up in the middle of the night with yet another thought of who I met, what wasn't done yesterday, what hasn't been planned and shared for tomorrow is the stuff of nightmares, I promise.
You notice in my list of things to do, housework and cooking aren't mentioned because it really doesn't happen. I'm too busy and then too tired. Fortunately Willie, William and Maurice are more than capable of feeding themselves and are increasingly interested in what they're eating so that it's nutritionally good for them and not just something to fill a gap.
So as I'm here in the office before heading to church, I thought I'd take a look at my diary:
Tuesday, when I've finished with my deliveries, I'm going to Centra Tower for their annual Christmas Fair. I plan to be there from about 5pm, if you call in.
Wednesday will be a lot of fun as I'll be doing a few dishes on the starter and dessert lines. Today I must gather my thoughts and recipes. I tend to focus on the simple straightforward and tasty rather than anything complicated. I'll have a gluten free recipe or two in there too. Again, I'll email all the recipes to Field's so that you can ask at the office for them. This is a really super night and the staff put a huge amount of work into its success. I'm delighted to be part of it. Harty's Pepper Jellies will be present too.
Thursday will be a 'day off' as I catch up on whatever's happening at home.
Friday will find in Scally's S.V., Clonakilty - always a busy shop where I invariably meet many friends.
Finally, on Saturday, you will find me in Ryan's S.V., Glanmire.
I'm exhausted but on my way.
Until tomorrow, all going well


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