A Generous Spirit

My post earlier this morning could be construed as depressing and no doubt it is for all caught up in this horrific spiral, and now for something entirely different, last Saturday morning was a busy one in Quish's S.V., Ballincollig with a number of different companies doing tastings. I ended up near the front door so lots of people told me they could smell the pudding, rashers and bacon as they arrived to do their shopping. Hopefully they found our products on the shelf over the weekend and took them home to see if they could achieve the same results. I expected two special visitors, Bill & Janet King,  from Wales. Bill has to come over here regularly to stock up on things like buttermilk and flour for their Irish Soda Bread which Bill bakes and sells in Wales. I knew they had planned to visit Midleton Market, but their thoughtfulness in bringing me an Arbutus 'pain au chocolat' from the market courtesy of Deirdre meant so much and also gave me a good laugh. Deirdre & I rarely meet so this just expressed that 'I'm thinking of you' moment in such a practical way.

Then I headed home so that I could go to the inaugural West Cork Coeliac Support Group event - a Gluten Free Afternoon Tea in the Celtic Ross Hotel. I'm afraid I was so busy eating that I took no photos so have these courtesy of the hotel. It really was a gorgeous afternoon and what a selection of goodies. No coeliac needs to starve when visiting as they will be well looked after.

Tomorrow will be another busy day as I head for Scally's S.V., Skehard Road, Cork to do a tasting tomorrow afternoon. Looking forward to meeting everyone as I haven't been there in a while. Things are really hotting up now regarding tastings but that's as it should be, isn't it?


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