Catching Up

'My Coffee du Jour'
Today is my day for catching up with Willie and the lads, and I'm even doing a bit of time in the kitchen/house. During the week, most conversation revolves around business in one form or another and it's easy to get stuck in that rut. What a joy this morning to get up and look forward to a leisurely cup of coffee (trying Cork Coffee Roasters today)
Yesterday I was in the motor tax office and realised it's quite a while since I've been there. I truly dreaded going because it was the last working day in October and the queues are always out the door; it didn't help that I was landing there between 1 & 2pm - the busiest time of the day. What a shock to the system and a realisation of how much business is now done online. In front of me stood about 10 people with just three hatches open to customers. In the time I was there however, what came to me was that every one of those customers needed time to sort their queries, and what patience was displayed by the staff. A lesson to be learnt as these same staff a few years ago were so stressed by the volume of people facing them every day, that it was hard for them to crack a smile, when saying 'hello'. Leaving the office, I counted about 30 people patiently standing in line. Different times!
On then to S.V. Skehard Road, Blackrock and it's been quite a while since I've been there to do a tasting. There are such a plethora of supermarkets to choose from in every town and city in Ireland, that it's hard to see how they all compete and succeed. This Super Valu is looking after its customers and it was lovely to meet people who had questions to ask about our products.
So many brands these days are all about the story, it's starting to drive me nuts. Using the words 'artisan', 'family business' and 'homemade'. I can apply them truthfully to what we do - Artisan because we are physically involved in all aspects of the business; Family Business because we each work every day in the business - not only in the office or as managers; and Homemade because our processing unit is on our farm where we live.  Unfortunately, being a food producer and not bad at reading the English language, I'm also increasingly aware of 'marketing speak' and the gloss that can be put on any brand. Rant over, it's time for that cup of coffee.
Until tomorrow


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