Empty the Shelves and Stop Hoarding

Since before Hallowe'en, I've become used to the volume of pallets and combis in every store at the back door, so this week, it actually stopped me in my tracks to see large areas of floor space in most places. Shelves were no longer groaning with the baking ingredients, Christmas decorations, and all those essentials we're supposed to need; pallets of fizzy drinks didn't have to be negotiated and staff were rather more relaxed than over the Christmas period. This clear-out (and inevitably all these stores will also have done a stocktake) reminded me that I need to do something similar in our home. As you know, I've hardly seen much more than the bed over the past few weeks, but now's the time. I'm sure also I'm not the only one who has a stock of wrapping paper - never used; Christmas cards - neither written on nor sent; clothes that will never again be worn; and my biggest fault - books bought and read, but definitely not amongst the favourites to be re-read. So I'm away to check out the charity shops in West Cork to see what they'll take &/or need, because there is a difference. Some do clothing; others specialise in books; while others are great on the household items. Failing all that, the local Bring centre will be more than happy to help me offload. It's going to be a little at a time, I'm afraid, as I just don't have the courage or energy to do a big spring clean all at once.
I heard recently of two nuns living in the same community and both getting on in years. One nun accumulated as she got older while the second wanted to leave as little as possible for others to clean up after she had died. I know which one I'd like to be, but I also know which one I am!
Until tomorrow


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