She knows her place!

I remember my grandmother using this phrase many moons ago. Why mention it now? It was said to me today that in the course of a recent conversation between a number of people about women in business, this comment was made in relation to me! I took it as the compliment it was intended to be.
Then it struck me that it's a very fine line between letting people know that you're in business and being aware of time and place e.g. if I attend an event, even a food event where I'm part of the audience, I don't come armed with both business card and product and wave them about.  Time and place. I remember the first year we won at Blas na hÉireann in 2012, the lovely Jerry Kennedy steered me to the Chart House for a meal before I left Dingle. Jerry introduced me and I well remember that there was a bit of 'slagging' that I had the Gold Award but where was the product! I was a competitor in that competition and a visitor to Dingle Food Festival, I did not have any other role. Needless to say, Chart House were able to enjoy our awarding winning black pudding at the 2013 Dingle Food Festival!
It can be hard to get that line between promoting yourself and your business to people getting to know you as a person. One may come before the other at times. 'She knows her place'!
By the way, if you read this and have a comment, please do write it. This blog is intended to be a very brief reflection on whatever occurs to me any particular day. Every time I post a blog, it's fresh. I don't write a series and then just time them for publication. It's just not my style.
Until next time

P.S. By the way, if you are in Dingle I can honestly recommend Chart House as it's been my last Dingle meal every year since and always to be savoured.


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