I'm no Couch Potato

I haven't written much in the past week due to being sick & no, I'm not going to elaborate. If men are supposed to be bad about attending the doctor, then I think I'm the wrong gender! I put it off and put if off in the vain hope I'd get better all on my own.
So why don't I like going to see the doctor? They're lovely people in the main with a real interest in their patients, but I don't want to waste time on a fool's errand if I can sort myself out - and paying for a fool's errand is even more stupid.
I'm getting better but slowly and will probably have to pay a return visit during the week.
Now to explaining the title - I do have to rest quite a bit as I've got arthritis, but spending days in bed just doesn't work for me these days. It was ok last Friday and Saturday when I had 6 books to read from Clonakilty library. After that, it was plain boring, so I'm definitely not cut out to be a couch potato.
I decided to explore the Google images associated with this and most of them are either of a potato on a couch but more often they involve a man, a couch and a television. Maybe that's the problem, we don't have a television. Take a look for yourself. It's one of these fascinating things. There's even a website for 'couch potatoes' to download movies - I didn't go any further.
Talk soon


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