
SuperValu Ireland have developed a programme for the small, and not so small, food producers in collaboration with Bord Bia and the Local Enterprise Offices. William has completed the Basic Food Academy and now the opportunity is there for our business to grow as we can approach a number of SuperValu shops where we don't have a presence and see how we get on.
For some people this is the first step in bringing their product to national and international supermarket shelves, and for others it will be an opportunity to identify exactly how far they want to go. It's led me to thinking of what being successful means. On many programmes like the RTE Radio 1 Countrywide programme, we hear of those who are showcasing Irish products nationally and internationally, but not of the small producer who is more than happy doing a local farmers' or Country market as well as perhaps a local shop or SuperValu. These producers are successful too in my opinion - they know the value of their product & they know how far they want to take it to ensure their livelihood and life balance.
Rather than going on and on, I found this quote which sums it up perfectly:

Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.



Now I'm going to settle back and watch a certain match! Afterwards I'll be baking Black Pudding Swirls for tonight's Gala Concert in St. Fachtna's Cathedral, Rosscarbery where we will be entertained by Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin & the Carolan String Quartet. I know I'm in for an amazing experience.
Until next time


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