Where have all the Years Gone

Last night, I enjoyed a lovely few hours in my sister, Elizabeth's home, where we celebrated my eldest niece, Victoria's 21st birthday party. Elizabeth & Ger produced the core dishes, but we all brought something to the party in terms of food, because that's what we do; and the birthday cakes (yes, there were two) were produced by Granny H. & granddaughter, Ingrid - Made & served with love and pride.
Coming home and reflecting (I always find driving gives me that 'me' time), I had to finally give in and utter the words: 'where have all the years gone?'
For many, reflecting can be a stick with which to beat oneself or another person. However what has gone can never be relived and regrets should be parked firmly.
Ok, I confess I'm one of those 'glass half full' people and look at life as an opportunity not to be missed.
My sisters and I have produced a total of 11 grandchildren and what a diverse bunch they are too, but so interesting. It's rare that I see more than four at a time, but last night to see my 21 year old taking the time to listen very seriously to her 3 year old first cousin and her grandparents, I could only say, life is good. We may be making mistakes along the way, but if we teach our children to take the time to listen to the old and the young with patience, love and respect, we can't be going too far wrong.
Until the next time


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