Tomorrow is D Day

As I wrote today's headline, I realised that I've definitely forgotten where this term originated. If I didn't look it up, it would be like an irritating itch, so I did and to summarise: it's a military term and is generally derived from the 'Day of Days' as in it's when a decision is made or a result will become known. Tomorrow, I and 7 other Irish Food Bloggers, it will be the last day for our recipes to receive a vote in the Cono Sur Food Blogger competition: I rarely enter competitions on a personal level (business & product wise is a different matter), and the pleasure taken from having one of my original recipes shortlisted hasn't dimmed over the past few weeks. However there's also the sheer joy of looking at the very different recipes and the thrill of how far Irish Cuisine has travelled as it takes its place on a par with any other cuisine.
I know I'm biased as I live in one of the most exquisite places in Ireland where original and diverse food businesses have led the way in Food Business over many years - think of that wonderful lady, Veronica Steele, who founded Milleens Cheese with her husband, Norman; or Sally Barnes, Woodcock Smokery, who is respected internationally for her original approach to smoking fish from sustainable sources and  The Woodcock Smokery workshop is a centre for learning and teaching smoking skills with Slow Food students & others.
I could go on, but there's a few household chores to be done before I tackle cleaning my van cab - a job I try to do every 2-3 weeks. No-one else can do this, because my van is like my mobile office so it's very much my job to check what to keep and action/file and what's for vertical filing (the bin). The lads are away at the moment so I'll have a bit of peace & quiet. After that, it's back to the unit to prepare everything for the Listeria Testing programme which is now being taken over by University of Limerick. Up to now, this Government funded programme was in the hands of Evoxa in Cork allowing me to do everything after Monday's production and deliver it myself. This time, I'll have to do the swabs today as I'm definitely not going to be in the unit at 5.30am tomorrow before everyone else starts work.
It must be Sunday as I wrote rather more than planned! Oh yes, and for a recipe & other news, check out
Back tomorrow all going well.


Caherbeg Free Range Pork Ltd. & Rosscarbery Recipes

+353 87 914 0811 (Avril Allshire-Howe)
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Caherbeg Free Range Pork
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